Friday, April 27, 2012

For a better tomorrow

Bersih 3.0 is only 1 day away. contemplating if I should go and join. think I should for the future of me and the family. Don't know what to expect but I will still go as it would be history in the call for a better Malaysia. Malaysia, the place that I was born. Things have gone down the drain so much that our currency is getting weaker. Malaysia my homeland has abundance of raw materials but we are lagging so far behind in terms of economics and the value of our ringgit. I am also pissed off about the tax that I have been paying. Where have all the money gone to? I cant accept the consequences that life has been hard in trying to put my kids through college and school. Imagine earning just enough for household expenses and paying of mortgage only with little or nothing for savings. today I make up my mind, to join my fellow Malaysian for a better Malaysia. Hidup Malaysia